Tag: presentation
What really matters for games and play in language teaching and research? (3/3)
The final post based on my JALTCALL 2022 keynote. Keywords 4. Setting up “storytime.” Avoiding pitfalls Next, I’m going to tell some stories about what I have done. I crafted this presentation/post based on conversations I’ve had with James and Fred and others. We thought that telling my story of teaching and researching games in…
What really matters for games and play in language teaching and research? (2/3)
The second part of three posts based on my JALTCALL 2022 keynote. Keywords 2. “Mattering” This is about what matters in games and in ludic language pedagogy. What does “matter” mean? A dictionary definition: “To be important or significant” Ok, that’s simple enough. So, what’s important? What’s significant? So, what matters? I’m all over the…
What really matters for games and play in language teaching and research? (1/3)
This is the first part of three posts based on my JALTCALL 2022 keynote. Keywords 1. Introduction: “Potential → Practice” I think “I did X” Is a lot better than “X can be done” and, spoiler, that’s the persistent refrain of digital game-based language learning — potential. I would like to counter that a bit. I’m…
JALT 2023 Slides
Today I gave a talk at the JALT 2023 conference about using Strategic Interactions (SI) as a teaching tool in the EFL classroom. Slides can be found below (up to slide 42). Features: Free Strategic Interaction for your class 👇 I also gave out an 8-page zine which features a sample SI on plagiarism. If…